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Why ADHD testing should be on your back-to-school checklist

A child jumps in the middle of the road excited


You might be curious why ADHD testing might be so important for your child before this school year, with the percentage of children having ADHD at 11.3 percent in the US and 13% in Alabama according to the CDC, your child might have ADHD. The lack of dopamine and norepinephrine, common in people with ADHD, can make it difficult for your child to focus in school and control impulsive behavior, particularly during their formative years. Getting a diagnosis before the school year is important as it gives your child time to get used to their medication or behavioral therapy, or both to be ready for the school year. 


  1. Inattention

A child with ADHD may struggle to pay attention and focus when spoken to for long periods and be easily distracted. This can manifest missing details, not understanding instructions, or simply not listening. 

2. Hyperactivity and impulsivity

A child with ADHD may need to move around more than others, such as rocking, kicking their legs, or tapping their hands. This might be exasperated by boredom and increase during periods of stagnation.  

3. Emotional dysregulation

Children with ADHD might have difficulty emotionally regulating, this might be seen through “tantrums” or mood swings. 


Children with ADHD might struggle in school if not diagnosed before the school year. Early treatment can help your child be ready for school so they can be successful. After diagnosis, your child can start being treated here are some of the available treatment options. 

  1. Behavior therapy

A therapist can help your child understand their feelings and why they might have a difficult time focusing. They can also learn different techniques to practice self-control in their day-to-day to help make sure their ADHD doesn’t affect their studies as much. Therapists can also inform you on the best way to aid your child at home, such as stable routines and the best way to communicate so your child understands. 

2. Medication

Medication can be extremely helpful in helping regulate your child’s hormonal levels to let them focus more and promote better concentration. 

ADHD is normally a lifelong disorder, however, early diagnosis and treatment can help you set your child up for success and manage this condition more easily. If you suspect your child has ADHD early testing before school can be helpful to their adjustment to whichever treatment you choose for your child. This can help them be as successful as possible and get their accommodations situated at the beginning of school so they have the strongest start possible. Options are available and therapists are waiting to help you and your child live a fulfilling life and prepare for school. 


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